Category Archives: Uncategorized

Date: 2024.05.28 | Category: Forum Club Handball, IHF, Uncategorized | Response: 0

For the first time ever Forum Club Handball will celebrate a General Assembly with participants from 5 continents. The fist non-European club to enter FCH was ‘The worlds Handball club New York City’ (America), followed by Detroit, Zeekstar Tokyo (Asia), CalHeats San Francisco, University Sydney (Australia). For the first time ever an African Club will join the meeting: Famous SC Zamalek from Egypt will be confirmed as new member during the meeting on 9th June in Cologne.

Date: 2023.12.18 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

Radmila Petrovic is no longer President of Buducnost. Accordingly she was withdrawn as member of the EHF Women Handball Board. FCH thanks Radmila for her contribution to European Club Handball. A replacement for Radmila Petrovic will be elected during the next 20th General Assembly of Forum Club Handball in Budapest on 2nd June 2024.

Date: 2023.10.21 | Category: Forum Club Handball, Uncategorized, Women Forum Club Handball | Response: 0

Forum Club Handball is an organization, representing the interests of European Top Handball clubs vis-a-vis European Handball Federation EHF, International Handball Federation IHF, European Union and others.

FCH is registered as an NPO (registered club, eingetragener Verein) in Cologne/Germany. Potentially the office can be everywhere in Europe.

The Managing Director of Forum Club Handball organizes the meetings and is the first contact person for member clubs, EHF and IHF. The ideal candidate should have a strong Handball background/network, good knowledge of English and Microsoft Office.

The new FCH Managing Director has to coordinate and balance the interests of the various stakeholders in Handball. He will be appointed in October 2024 and start working in June 2025.

Short-form applications with CV shall be addressed to until 1st of May 2024.

Date: 2023.10.05 | Category: EHF, Forum Club Handball, Uncategorized | Response: 0

On invitation of FCH the leadership of FCH and EHF will meet on 9th October 2023. EHF will be represented by President M. Wiederer, the 2 Vice-President P. Boskovic and H. La Cour, Secretary General M. Hausleitner, CSO M. Glaser and CFO B. Binder. EHFM will be represented by Managing Director D. Szlezak and his Deputy N. Kernmayer.

All Board members (men and women) of FCH will be present.

The major topic of the meeting will be the long-term cooperation with agency partner INFRONT and the future alignment of the European Cup competitions.    

Date: 2023.04.06 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

EHFM will organize the EHF F4 Business Weekend on Friday/Saturday 16./17.6.2023. The program contains presentations and discussions, starting on Friday afternoon and finishing Saturday around noon. Details will be announced by EHFM in the near future. Save the date!

Date: 2023.01.28 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

Zeekstar Tokyo is the first Asian club to become member of Forum Club Handball. This decision was taken during the 27th General Assembly of FCH which took place in Stockholm, Sweden today.

FCH welcomed also Kanji Wakunaga, the President of the Japanese Handball Association. The visit of the Japanese delegation is part of the Japan project of FCH.

FCH intends to invite further members from Asia, Africa and America in the future.

Bin Moustafa, chairman of the World’s Handball Club New York City, represents the non-European member clubs as Vice-President in the FCH Board.

Date: 2023.01.13 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

The Japanese club Zeekstar from Tokyo will attend the 27th General Assembly of Forum Club Handball, taking place on the fringes of the IHF World Championship in Stockholm on 28th January 2023. Potentially Zeekstar will become the first Asian member club of FCH.

Futher none-European club representatives in the meeting will be the presidents from ‘The World’s Handball Club’ from New York City and Detroit HC.

At the beginning of the meeting the IHF President Dr. Hassan Moustafa and FCH President Xavier O’Callaghan will sign the new Partnership agreement between FCH and IHF.

Further topics on the agenda will be marketing of EC competitions, rules and refereeing, players’ agents, resin-free ball and others.

Date: 2022.07.01 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

? Mr. Schmäschke, first of all congratulations for your new job as President of SG Flensburg. On your first day in office the new ‚IHF Regulations on Transfers’ come into effect. Which consequences will this have on the business of the clubs?

Thanks for the flowers. As you mention it I would like to convey my best wishes to my successor, Holger Glandorf.

It is easy to describe the consequences for the clubs: If an agent represents the interests of a player, the player has to pay the agent! That’s it!

? Sounds logical. What is the big change?

The players will face a change. In the past as a rule the players did not reimburse their agents. According to the new IHF regulations this will be differently in the future: Agent and player will have to agree which amount is paid from the player to the agent. This is freely negotiable and it has to be negotiated. It is important whether the commission of a 3-years-contract is the same in the 2nd and in the 3rd year as it is in the 1st year. Is the commission of the agent based on the net or on the gross salary of the player? What about commission on bonuses? What about the duration of the agreement? Is the agreement limited to a certain league, ie ASOBA or 1st Denish League? What exactly are the services of the agent? What happens, if the agent does not provide a reasonable offer for the player?

In the future the player should consult a lawyer before signing a contract with an agent. In the past these agreements were concluded more or less ‘pro forma’ …

? This means that the player himself has to negotiate with his agent?

Yes, true. Roughly speaking, in the past, the club used to pay 90% to the player and 10% to the agent. In the future the player will receive 100%, but he will have to pay for the services of his agent. So at the end of the season he might end up with more – or less net revenues.

? The new system will cause more tax payments!?

Also true. But there will be no changes for the clubs. Before the new regulations came into effect, we used to have 100% of money for player and agent. We will have exactly the same 100% also in the future. If the government increases the taxes, or if an insurance company increase a fee, we as a club do not have automatically 105% budget for the player – just because the insurance increased the fee.

Nothing is changing for the clubs. We used to have 100% for the player and we will have 100% for the player in the future. I a clubs spends all over sudden 105% on a player, the club has a different problem.  

? Understood. Remains the question concerning the Players‘ Agent.

The Agents do not like the new regulation. They will be in direct competition in the future which was not the case in the past. In the past usually the agents did not charge their players. In the future there will be different percentages of commission. The players will start to compare the services of the agents.

The agents founded an organization in order to avoid the new regulation. Our Managing Director of Forum Club Handball, Gerd Butzeck, met twice with the representatives of that organization for longer consultations and explained the situation.

There will be no big changes for the quality agents. Nobody denies the necessity of agents. They will continue earning good money in the future. They simply invoice the player – as of now.

At the moment some agents try to create confusion amongst the clubs. They claim that the one or the other club will continue to pay the agents. I saw according messages which were send to us confidentially. The big clubs agreed to act according to the new regulations and I am sure that they will do so.

It will take a while, until everybody understood the new system. FC Barcelona started to apply this system already 4 years ago in Football, Basketball and Handball. More or less they were forced to change it from the tax authorities. The authorities stopped acknowledging the invoices of agents as expenses of FC Barcelona, as the agents are providing services to the players – and not to the club.  

? How does the system work in other sports?

Generally speaking, in Football it is more or less the same as it used to be in Handball. The excesses are well known to every sports fan. There are endeavors from German top clubs, to copy our model. In Football the system is more complex. Transfer compensations play a bigger role and cause more discussions.

In Basketball FIBA applies the same system as we do now already as of 1.1.22, in the Swiss Hockey League even as of 1.7.21. So actually the whole story is not new and not a surprise.  

In America all players always paid their agents. No question about that! The Americans are shaking their heads when they get to know about our European system!

? And what to expect now for the future?

We have no choice. The regulation is approved and will come into force on 1.7.22. The vast majority of the clubs will apply the regulation, some will try to trick around. But they make themselves dependend/blackmailable on players and agents. We as SG Flensburg will not do that, as we respect the regulations and we believe them to be reasonable.

At the moment it does not concern anybody, as almost all players already signed a contract for next season. Only the new contracts are concerned which will be signed as of now …

? Thank you for the conversation.  

Date: 2021.12.20 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

The 15th Ordinary General Assembly of Women Forum Club Handball took place in Barcelona on 18th December 2021. The participants gathered already on 17th in order to attend the Semifinals of the IHF World Championship in Granollers.

On Saturday morning representatives from 29 clubs out of 13 different nations listened to the reports of the various EHF/M bodies, governing European Club Handball.

As a surprise the President of the International Handball Federation (IHF) Dr. Hassan Moustafa attended the meeting after the break and officially addressed the participants. He highlighted the good cooperation between FCH and IHF and envisaged negotiations on the prolongation of the existing Partnership-Agreement in the near future. On request he confirmed that IHF is working on a new regulation for Player Agents, as proposed by the clubs.

In the second part the assembly elected Zsolt Ákos Jeney/Ferencvaros Budapest as President, Thomas Hylle/Team Esbjerg and Deja Ivanovic/Ljubljana as Vice-Presidents.

Jeney thanked the participants for their trust and defined his targets for the upcoming term.

The 16th General Assembly of Women FCH will take place on the fringes of the EHF DELO Final 4 event in Budapest on 4th/5th June 2022.

Date: 2021.06.20 | Category: Forum Club Handball, Uncategorized | Response: 0

The 24th General Assembly of Forum Club Handball with elections took place in Athens on 16th June 2021. 

A new Board was elected as follows:

ELECTIONS Part I/Board members:

1. Election Board Member Nation ranked 1 (GER)


Dierk Schmäschke/Flensburg

Teo Storm/Kiel

2. Election Board Member Nation ranked 2 (FRA)


Julien Deljarry/Montpellier

Thierry Omeyer/Paris

3. Nations ranked 3 – 9 (ESP, HUN, MKD, POL, DEN, POR, CRO)


CRO Vedran Supukovic/Zagreb

DEN Jan Larsen/Aalborg

ESP Xavier O’Callaghan/Barcelona

HUN Janos Szabó/Veszprem

4. Nations ranked 10 – 18 (ROU, BLR, SLO, SWE, UKR, SUI, NOR, SVK, RUS)


SLO Gregor Planteu/Celje

SUI Peter Leutwyler/Kadetten

5. Nations ranked 19 – 30 (FIN, AUT, TUR, BEL, CZE, ISL, ISR, GRE, SRB, LUX, NED, KOS) 


Stathis Papachartofilis/Athens

6. Nations ranked 1-20 in the EHF European-Cup ranking 21/22 (BIH, LTU, BUL, GBR, CYP, LAT, MDA, ITA, MNE, …)


ENG Théo Bougouin/London

7. Election of the Non-European Board member     


USA Bini Moustafa/New York

ELECTIONS Part II/Office holders:


8. Election of the FCH President


Xavier O’Callaghan/Barcelona

9. Election of the 2 FCH Vice-Presidents


Dierk Schmäschke/Flensburg

Peter Leutwyler/Kadetten

10.    Election of the FCH-Treasurer

Dierk Schmäschke/Flensburg

11.    Election of the FCH-Comptroller


Gerd Hofele/Göppingen

12.    FCH Development Group

Chairman: Stathis Papachartofilis


Pep Blanchart/Granollers

          Andreas Andreou/Famagusta

          Oleg Lebedev/Minsk


13. Election of the 2 Professional Handball Board representatives


Xavier O’Callaghan/Barcelona

Gregor Planteu/Celje

14. Election of the EHF Competitions Commission member


Gael Pelletier/Nantes


15. Election of the 3 MCB-representatives


    Janos Szabo/Veszprem

    Peter Leutwyler/Kadetten

    Teo Storm

16. Election of the EHFM comptroller


Jennifer Kettemann/Rhine-Neckar-Lions

17. Election of the FCH member in the EHF/M-FCH Evaluation Group


Axel Gehrer – no club representative

18. Election of the FCH member in the EHF/M – FCH – Infront – Dazn Strategy Committee:


Janos Szabo/Veszprem

The FCH speaker in the Men’s Club Board Janos Szabo will represent FCH in the EHFM Advisory Board.

The Board of FCH appointed in the first meeting the following Deputies to the Men’s Club Board:

Jesper Larsson/Kristianstad

Vedran Supukovic/Zagreb

Arkadii Ellarian/CSKA Moscow

Robert Molines/Montpellier was elected as the first Honorary member of Forum Club Handball!

Congratulations to elected FCH Board members and office holders!

Athens, 16.6.21