Accidents in sports are unavoidable and unpredictable, the financial consequences for the injured player and the concerned club are the result of the existing insurance coverage.
From the very beginning it is one of the major topics of GCH to unify the conditions for release of players to the national team – and to unify the according insurance system.
Point 5.2 of the Memorandum of Understanding, signed by Clubs/FCH and EHF states:
‘FCH and EHF agree on the principle that each day a player spends with the national team/selection his salary should be insured by the National Federation, EHF or IHF in case of injury in favour of the clubs.’
On occasion of the Bielecki-injury FCH/GCH would like to remind that it is the firm intention of the clubs to establish an insurance system, integrating all concerned parties (such as Clubs, National federations, EHF and IHF) in order to safeguard the interests of players and clubs.
For the moment such a global insurance system is not existing. GB